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Resinate, Recycled Cannabis Packaging

Cannabis Cactus

Resinate helps give people new ways to recycle things that were previously not recyclable. Resinate now accepts all plastic packaging from products found at dispensaries and pharmacies – including doob tubes, exit bags, Mylar product bags, acrylic tubes and more. Resinate partners with dispensaries and businesses where they install and maintain the Energy Pod – a high-tech recycling bin where people recycle and get store or product rewards in exchange for recycling. You might wonder why Resinate focuses on these kinds of packaging. It’s because the material is recyclable, but the packaging is too small for city systems to capture. Typical recycling systems are designed to remove small items (less than 2.5 inches in diameter).

Resinate also takes it a step farther, not only diverting materials into the recycling system but also using their own process to produce 100% recycled products like the Twisted Tray- an original design for an innovative, helpful new rolling tray. – Garrett Schwartz

I had the pleasure of attending the pre-release party at the Melt Lounge for the Twisted Tray. Garrett showed us the ropes of the awesome and easy to use cone filler that is part of the tray. Cones easily twist on and can be filled and ready to enjoy in no time at all!

I love the fact that this is made from 100% recycled materials from our dispensaries and now has a whole new purpose!



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