What is Bat Guano?
This concerned stoner from Kingman says:
Hey, I just purchased your GODHEAD flower from a dispensary in Kingman. I’m not very well educated in growing mediums, but it’s very unappealing to read under ingredients BAT GUANO (especially after the pandemic) and other things like blood meal and worm castings. I’m having some difficulty enjoying my purchase with that on my mind. Does a state law require you to print that on your labels? It’s a real turn off to the average Joe who just wants to get high and not worry about what’s IN the product. I’ve heard the same from others so it may prevent some from ever buying it again. Had that not been available to read, I’d be happily puffing away right now. – Queasy in Kingman, AZ
Dear Queasy,
We appreciate your concern and would like to point out a few things, in regards to organic growing nutrients such as bat guano, to help alleviate your fear of bats and poops respectively. These concerns of yours actually point out some of the most organic soil techniques available to cannabis growers and gardeners universally. Bat guano is excellent for all types of plants as an organic fertilizer. It makes nutrients available to the plants without overexposing or burning the plants, like many other chemical applications can do. Worm castings are also 100% organic and help maintain the living soil environment by keeping the soil chock full of nutrients that are readily available for cannabis plants to absorb. Techniques like this have been used by generations of organic gardeners who care about the health of the soil, as well as the potency and flavor of the plant. This type of organic gardening helps create a cannabis flower that doesn’t need to be flushed nearly as much as plants fed with synthetic chemical supplements. Cannabis, fruits and vegetables grown in these soil environments are exceptionally tasty and usually loaded with wonderful terpenes. Bat guano does not stress the plants like some fertilizers and, as the backbone of the living soil, it’s known to generate better tasting cannabis, fruits and vegetables. We think it’s a good thing that nutrients and other additives are labeled on cannabis packaging. In this case, it shows excellent care and proper garden technique from the team at Globe Cannabis Company. This is not a paid endorsement for the growers or for BIG organics. I’m just a simple man who can enjoy smoking weed grown outside in a bucket filled with living soil and Tennessee bat poop. To learn more we suggest visiting a local hydroponics store and popping a few seeds of your own. There’s nothing better than tending your own sun kissed plants while sipping a coffee in the morning. In the meantime, you may puff happily knowing that your cannabis was grown professionally, in clean living soil.
Mikey Cactus Cannabis Cactus Magazine
P.S. Check out the movie The Bat (trailer below, full movie available on Youtube), about a killer, in a bat costume, who prowls the night and baffles police. This silent film will hopefully answer the rest of your questions about bat danger and such. The 1959 thriller was directed by Crane Wilbur and stars Vincent Price, as Dr. Malcolm Wells, and Lenita Lane, as the maid Lizzie.
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Michael Cassini is the founder and editor in chief of The Cannabis Cactus Magazine. He focuses on community relationships with a goal to maintain a culture of love, peace and knowledge in the cannabis industry.