THC-Infused Mimosa
The famous Mimosa is said to have originated in southern Spain, where sparkling wine and oranges are more popular than anywhere else in the world. Spaniards have been mixing orange juice and wine for centuries. Sangria is also made from a base of orange juice and wine.
Gruet sparkling wine is one of the tastiest American sparkling wines on the market below $15. I usually find it for anywhere between $12-15 at my local grocery store. This wine comes from a French family that was on their way to California to start their winery back in the day. When passing through New Mexico, they spotted a location that fit their criteria for proper winemaking and set up their award winning winery. There is no need to spend $50 and up for champagne, especially for using in a cocktail.
Pure & Simple THC infused juices are rather potent, so it’s a good idea to have some plain orange juice on hand so you can properly dose these drinks. A champagne flute is traditionally used, but who cares, use whatever you have. Just make sure you are able to eyeball the halfway mark for proper mixing, no weird shaped glasses.
Bottle of Gruet Sparkling Wine (~$15)
Uninfused orange juice to control dosing
In a champagne flute, add your desired dose of Pure & Simple THC-Infused Orange Juice. For me, a 10mg dose is perfect for each drink since I would plan to have 2-3 of these.
Fill glass to the halfway mark with uninfused orange juice if necessary
Top off with Gruet sparkling wine and enjoy.