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THC-Infused Cappuccino

Cannabis Cactus
THC-Infused Cappuccino

Start with a strong coffee, like a shot of espresso. At home, I use a French press to prepare my coffee. See the video by James Hoffman for the method I use. His YouTube channel is a must watch for any coffee lover. 

One of the most important parts of making a cappuccino is ensuring that the milk never boils. When warmed up, milk has the ability to hold air in small bubbles as it is whipped, but be careful because when it reaches its boiling point, the milk will lose this ability and the milk will go flat. Also, when boiled, the lactose, a sugar we can’t taste, in milk is converted into lactase, which is a sugar that we can taste, meaning the milk will have a sweeter flavor than milk that has never been boiled. For this drink, we don’t want this.



  • In a small saucepan, whisk your milk as it slowly heats up. This should take about 2-3 mins until the milk steams and foams. Higher temps will go faster, but run the risk of boiling. I go quite high because I’ve done it many times. Use your best judgment.

  • When you see the milk start to steam, you are close to finished. The bubbles produced from whipping should be small and delicate and the foam should stand on its own. Do not allow the milk to boil or your work will be in vain.

  • In a wide mouth coffee mug, add your shot of coffee and your dose of Drip Unflavored Rosin Syrup to mix. Depending on your taste, add any sugar and mix well. We use no sugar in ours.

  • Add a small amount of the liquid milk found beneath the foam to the coffee to taste. Use a spoon to hold back the foam that floats on top as you pour.

  • Spoon the foam on top of the coffee until full.  

  • For a decoration, a small amount of cinnamon or cocoa powder can be shaken on top, but we don’t do this as it's not traditional.


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