Member Berries by Green Gene Genetics
Member Berries | ⅛ Pre-Packaged Green Gene Genetics | Nirvana Center
Oh yea, I member. Member Berries were beautiful nuggets trimmed right from the cure room and placed into my hands for these photographs. I was pleasantly surprised with both the earthy flavor and the potent high. The team at G3 packs hand trimmed nugs into 1/8th oz. glass jars. Member Berries is a cross between Skunkberry and Mandarin Sunset. The high is uplifting and energetic, a great cultivar for daytime or evening consumption. By Michael Cassini – @EditorInCheef.

Michael Cassini is the founder and editor in chief of The Cannabis Cactus Magazine. He focuses on community relationships with a goal to maintain a culture of love, peace and knowledge in the cannabis industry.