MAC x Super Lemon Haze by Shango Cannabis Co.
MAC x Super Lemon Haze | 3.5g prepacked Shango Cannabis Co. | Nirvana Center
This strain has nice character traits in both flavor and effects. I really enjoy the gassy flavor of Haze genetics and the meaty flavor of the Alien Cookies genetics. This strain provided me wonderful pain relief along with a vibrant headspace. Miracle Alien Cookies is a potent indica cross between Alien Cookies and Star fighter that works great for stress and pain relief. The combination here with the Lemon Haze genetics also kept me alert and joyful for the duration of the experience. By Michael Cassini – @EditorInCheef.
See more Flower Reviews here. For all Cactus Approved, click here.

Michael Cassini is the founder and editor in chief of The Cannabis Cactus Magazine. He focuses on community relationships with a goal to maintain a culture of love, peace and knowledge in the cannabis industry.
#MACxSuperLemonHazebyShango #review #cactusapproved #MichaelCassini #ShangoCannabisCo #Mike #cannabisreviews #flowerreviews #MACxSuperLemonHazebyShangoCannabis #FlowerReview #SuperLemonHaze #Mac #Shango #MACxSuperLemonHazebyShangoCannabisCo #Cassini #CannabisReview #Flower #Mikey #MikeCassini #Reviews #Michael #ShangoCannabis #January2022