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Errl Cup 2019 – Arizona Cannabis Awards

Cannabis Cactus

What exactly is THE ERRL CUP?

The Errl Cup is a standardized yearly measurement system which ranks Cannabis producers, concentrate makers, edible chefs and their final tasty treats. And of course, involving a celebratory Cannabis Festival accommodating 8,000 glorious card carrying attendees (yup, that’s correct approx. 8,000) perusing happily for some of the finest, highest quality, most exquisite reefer available in all the southwest.

Various different samples of Cannabis are brought into the ERRL CUP, (with oodles of anticipation) via promotional submission or secret shopping. They undergo extreme accuracy lab testing and a real live “use-test” to check for quality, potency, purity, lack of chemicals & fertilizers.

Errl Cup 2019

© 2019 Meristem for Weedly Phoenix

Lots and lots of dedication goes into to this all encompassing “Serious Judging”, bringing it to a new level of “High.” Yes yes yes! Hell Yes!!! Involving of course Smoking, Eating, Dabbing, Vaping, Inhaling, Rolling, Toking, Blazing, & Chiefing.

What Joy there was in the air! Not to mention other earth shattering aromas! Whoa. At one point during the event, I stood on my tippy toes, both stoned and hungry, searching for a BBQ Van with a smoker, only to realize that the plume of rising smoke that I was staring at was a haze blow over, from all the finer Kush being burned at the event. Delightful!

Errl Cup 2019

© 2019 Meristem for Weedly Phoenix

The Food trucks were by far the best, as usual, to suit every munchie type, yasss! And, I did get a special private tour from the wonderful Commander at the VFW Hall of the Establishment… loud and proud…. we both roared!! Quite the perk! All in all – 220 Booths, 120 Vendors, 1,000 helpers working with their specific vendors-booths!

Yikes, right!?All helpful, knowledgeable, ready to offer a free toke, or 2… gift bag or etc… Fine display of quality and generosity… Good People!!

Errl Cup 2019

© 2019 Meristem for Weedly Phoenix

As a personal note, I feel compelled, as well as honored to be consistently involved in these festivities, with nothing short of sharing a common appreciation in a mellow exchange of ideas, perspectives, thoughts; embracing new friendships while a jolly good ol’ time is truly shared by all.

Feeling comfortably insulated by boat loads of stellar rotating communication with my newly discovered neighbors, minus a lack of violence! Amazing, really-amazing!

All heart warming and encouraging. Then again, there is no alcohol permissible, which, in my opinion is one of the reasons these “Significant Cannabis Events” go trauma and drama free.

Errl Cup 2019

© 2019 Meristem for Weedly Phoenix

Errl Events for certain have the mojo down pat to a comfort level equivalent to a nice warm blanket; embodying safety and security, with tons and tons of fun! Continuing to involve, yet safely allow his guests just the right latitude, contributing to just the right balance, giving possible hopes to the validity of the word, Utopia… somewhere in our our future… Lovely thought, indeed.

KUDOS to our benevolent ‘brother’ Jim, and his dedicated, hard working, tempered, attentive group, for allowing us to experience these spectacular indulgences in this fine, well deserving State of Arizona. Looking forward to the 710 Degree Cup on July, 2019! As usual, I wish you happiness, peace, love…and yes, perhaps a little piece of Utopia! Afterall… You All are a piece of my Sunshine. Tune in next month! Sean Stevenson

For more from Sean Stevenson, click here.

For more info about Errl Cup, visit their site here.

Errl Cup 2019


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