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Chembow by Shango Cannabis Co.

Cannabis Cactus

Chembow | ⅛ Glass Jar Shango Cannabis Co. | Nirvana Center

Chembow tests over 26% total THC with 31%+ total cannabinoids. This batch contains over 3% total terpenes with the top 3 being Carophyllene, Limonene and Linalool. The flavors of this strain are characterized by cinnamon, orange and hops. The light citrus pairs well against the heavy diesel background. This strain smells exactly like the orange soap used by auto mechanics to clean the grease from their hands. This lovely smell is a mix of oil, grease and orange soapy terps. Shango hit it out of the park with this sticky batch of flowers. We have continued to shop Shango jars because of the following reasons. Each 1/8th has always weighed over 3.5g and the jar contains only 2-3 nugs. Great presentation and great consistency so far from the Shango team in the Arizona market. By Michael Cassini@EditorInCheef.


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Michael Cassini

Michael Cassini is the founder and editor in chief of The Cannabis Cactus Magazine. He focuses on community relationships with a goal to maintain a culture of love, peace and knowledge in the cannabis industry.


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