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Cannabis & Cleanliness: How Gen Z is Changing Cannabis Etiquette

Cannabis Etiquette

We all know that cannabis is evolving, and so is the way we approach it. What worked for the 1960s stoner crowd doesn’t fly with the modern smoker—especially with Gen Z leading the way. They’re drinking and smoking less than any generation before them, and honestly, they’ve got a point. While we’ve always celebrated cannabis as a way to relax and have fun, today’s younger crowd is more focused on controlling their own bodies and staying in tune with their health—both physically and mentally.

Let’s talk about this new wave of thinking. The old days of hotboxing your car until you can’t see out the windows are being replaced by a more balanced approach. Gen Z isn’t just looking to get high—they’re looking to use cannabis to enhance their lives. They care about their health, their appearance, and their mental well-being, and cannabis should fit into that lifestyle, not work against it. Smelling like an ashtray? Not the vibe. If you’re smelling like stale smoke all the time, it might be a sign that you’re losing control over your own health.

And let’s be real, none of us want that. The way you treat your body matters, especially in an industry where so many people are struggling with anxiety, depression, and other mental health challenges. Cannabis can and should be part of the solution, not something that drags you down. If you’re using cannabis to help manage stress or anxiety, it should complement your life and improve your mood. That means being mindful of how you consume it, how you treat your surroundings, and how you present yourself to the world.

For starters, a clean and fresh environment goes hand-in-hand with mental health. If your house, your car, and even your clothes smell like smoke all the time, it’s harder to keep that positive energy flowing. But when you keep your environment clean and smelling good, it lifts you up, just like cannabis can. It’s the little things—making sure your space is clean, using cannabis in a way that enhances your appearance and well-being—that make a huge difference.

It’s no secret that smoking in non-smoking areas is a no-go these days. And while it’s tempting to spark up wherever you are, especially with friends, it’s important to respect the spaces you’re in. Gen Z, in particular, is all about respecting personal space and being conscious of how their actions impact others. They’re not down for the heavy smoke sessions in public that leave everyone around them smelling like a dispensary. In fact, they’re the generation that’s opting for edibles, tinctures, or vapes that don’t leave behind a trail of smoke. It’s cleaner, more discreet, and fits into their goal of maintaining control over their health and image.

And when it comes to controlling your own body, that’s where the real power of cannabis comes in. Used correctly, cannabis is a tool for wellness, helping you find balance. Whether it’s for mental health, physical health, or simply to unwind, it’s about using cannabis to complement your life. That means knowing your limits, keeping your surroundings clean, and being mindful of how you’re affecting the people around you. 

Even your ride matters. If you’re constantly hotboxing your car, it’s going to affect your mood and energy. Keeping a clean, fresh-smelling car isn’t just about appearances—it’s about creating a positive space that can boost your mental health. The same goes for your home. If your living room smells like smoke 24/7, it’s time to rethink your approach to smoking. Fresh air, good energy, and clean spaces are just as important as a good strain when it comes to living your best life.

In the cannabis world, especially among those struggling with mental health, it’s about balance. We want cannabis to help us, not control us. And if we’re serious about integrating cannabis into mainstream society, we’ve got to be respectful of social norms. That means smoking where it’s appropriate, using methods that fit the moment, and keeping ourselves and our spaces fresh. 

So let’s learn from Gen Z. Let’s embrace this new wave of smoking etiquette that’s cleaner, more mindful, and focused on health. Because at the end of the day, cannabis should make us feel good—and that starts with how we treat ourselves and our surroundings.


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