Breaking Stoner Stereotypes
The turning of a new year can be stressful. Hopes are high that things will be different and change is attainable. Reflections of years past can bring both warm and cold feelings. Finding a way to decompress your mind of everything that may have just happened in the last 12 months can be a helpful task.
Throughout my life, I have heard of people stereotyping laziness as a common generalization about people who consume cannabis. As 2022 kicks into full force it’s time to break those negative connotations. Below are 3 ways I personally avoid being lazy at the turn of a new year as an avid cannabis lover.
Create a Give Thanks List
Make a list of everything you can remember from the past year that you are thankful for. No matter how tough the year was there has to be at least one of two things you can be grateful for. Taking time to reflect on the things in your life that you have earned or been given can help put some of life’s minor stressors on hold for a moment. I personally find as I start the list it grows faster than I could have ever imagined. Of course I always add that I am thankful for the continued growth for access to cannabis.
Write a goals list for this upcoming year
Breaking the stigma of laziness starts with a plan. What is it you love and want to achieve? Are there things that would be fun to do that you potentially can afford to fit in this upcoming year? Take time to write these thoughts and ideas down. Don’t worry if you can’t get to all of them. It’s in the writing of the list that the true chemistry is made with your brain. Sparking your thoughts and writing them down will help you feel more focused as you travel through the upcoming year. I am always too hard on myself when it comes to not getting to goals on my list but when I take time to be thankful I realize there are a lot more goals I accomplished simply because I had the courage to write them down.
Write yourself a letter to be opened next New Years
Writing a letter to yourself can be a strange yet rewarding feeling. Each year I like to take the time to write myself a letter that is not to be opened until New Years Day the following year. Every year when I open that letter I get to meet the person I was for a small moment from the past. Some years the letters make more sense than other years. Regardless of the words on the paper every year I look forward to opening the sealed words written to myself. I look forward to seeing how much I have changed if at all.
Congratulations to everyone who made it to 2022. The last couple years have been quite the roller coaster for our world. In reflecting back it seems like there is so much to be grateful for. I think for now I’ll sit back and pack up a bong. As I exhale my final toke I’ll begin my lists to close and start the year. I surrender the stress and look for the little things in life that bring me joy. I encourage you to do the same and find a way to decompress your mind of the past year. Most importantly stay true to yourself and continue to break stereotypes that people who consume cannabis are lazy. Happy new year to everyone!
Kelly Anne Walborn Ferraro is a long time lover of cannabis in all forms. She got married to her amazing partner, Anthony Ferraro on October 2, 2021! Kelly spends a majority of her time helping companies hire dedicated tech teams. Kelly shares about her personal journey with cannabis and some of the experiences she has had in the past. Check out some of their short form videos about how Anthony tackles the world as a blind man. The Ferraro’s end all their creative pieces with the message of “One Love”.