Allie Giambalvo | Interview
“I have nature and art and poetry, and if that is not enough, what is enough?” – Vincent Van Gogh
A better quote could not be found when introducing Allie Giambalvo, @itsalliegee and her artwork to those reading. I’m excited to talk about the talent found in her artwork, which is guided by imagination while being met equally by intelligence, ambition, and kindness. My introduction to her artwork was recently in 2021 when I found a piece from her that I not only could connect to, but also wanted for my own household. I will often admire and find pieces of myself in artwork, but nothing jumped at me quite like this painting while relating to what I was feeling at the time. It is rare to find such a connection, but art is meant to express or speak to things we cannot perceive on the surface. The tone, composition, and colors you will see with Allie could open you up to understanding exactly how much beauty is in the world. It is the artists like Allie who will show you how to look up from your feet to see the world and capture something from the ether. Her investment into developing as an artist was well earned, having graduated from ASU with a double major in the fields of art and biology.

My appreciation of painting cannot be easily expressed, with reverence being developed at a young age watching artists in my own family. I will catch story highlights of paintings being finished by Allie where I will marvel at what is probably the most recognized form of communication, art as a language. Allie’s artwork does in fact speak volumes to the inspiration she finds in nature, artists, and musicians. Her works, such as the acrylic on canvas, Milk & Vodka, was a piece that accompanied the recently released album from @bagoftrickscat. Upon listening to the album, I found that Allie’s artwork fit the album like a jewel. A recent creation of hers, a blue cicada on wood has been present in daydreams, which I find fascinating to have artwork resonate with me in any such way. Delicate and expressive paintings in color palettes riding the edges of psychedelic; that essence translates directly from Allie herself who is easily recognizable with her unique style. The artist inhabits and brings life to her art, which is well worth sharing much like a kind word, or new interests with a friend. A diversity of interests inhabits her life, which translate so well to her artwork, and those interests have her taking on endeavors of all sorts.
The most interesting of which being her work as a biologist working to survey and advise on the urban impact to desert wildlife as well as their environment. You can see her work in the world on her @nightbl00mer page, where she explores the desert as well as its diverse vegetation. Some of my favorite orchids, and oddities can be found pictured from our part of the world from Allie’s perspective. Born and raised in Arizona, she has an eye for the raw beauty that can be found in the often viewed as ubiquitous desert of the Southwest. The sunsets we are known for are also found in her other business @dyeforitgoods, an upcycle tye-dye business which she started with her best friend. These found and made with love customs are something I was raised looking for, these handmade items are a step above because of their vint, unique colors, and designs. Allie can capture sight, style, and that something special you see in a moon on a desert night. We speak with Allie to find out more about her, her work, and where the community can support her many endeavors.

Allie, what are some of your influences that have kept you interested in painting?
I’m inspired by the world around me. Influences from friends and family, exploring the great outdoors, pop culture, and self-discovery fuel my desire to paint. I use art as my creative outlet and as a way to connect all of my various interests together.
Does music have a role in your life and creative process? If so, what are you listening to?
Music plays a big part in my creative process. Depending on what I’m working on, music can change the entire mood of a piece. Currently listening to: Mac DeMarco, SZA, Temples, The Weeknd, beabadoobee, Mod Sun, Rex Orange County, and Emo throwbacks.
Does cannabis have a role in your life, and how?
Cannabis does play a role in my life. I use different strains for different occasions. I find some strains heighten my creative process, while others relieve tension and calm the anxious mind. Cannabis coupled with meditation, relaxation, or something enjoyable like food or a movie can enhance the overall experience.

Do you have any favorite strains, brands, or dispensaries to recommend?
Strains: Purple Apricot, Mendo Breath, Orange Cheddar, GG#5, Las Vegas Triangle Kush, Wedding Cake Brands: Mohave, Source One Meds, SundayGoods, Drip, Wyld, OGeez!, K.I.N.D. Dispensaries: JARS – they have a huge selection of products! Also Debbie’s, Local Joint-Zen Leaf, and The Mint for some tasty cannabis-infused foods.
As a biologist, what are your thoughts on cannabis and its recent shift in public opinion?
I’m very happy the community embraced recreational use of cannabis. Plants have always been a part of medicine, and cannabis offers a natural and non-addictive alternative to prescriptions. There are also a variety of short and long-term medicinal benefits to cannabis use, and I’m glad to see it available to everyone.
Can you tell us about a favorite moment exploring the Arizona desert as @nightbl00mer?
It’s hard to pick between so many different desert experiences, but one of my favorite moments has to be observing a Sonoran Desert tortoise in the wild foraging for flowers. You never know what you may happen upon on a hike – go out with an open mind and you’ll be sure to see something unexpected and amazing on the ground or in the air! From the plants and their blooms to the cotton candy sunsets, the Sonoran desert is a kaleidoscope of colors.

Any recommended sights or scenery in AZ to recommend?
Arizona has a ton of stunning scenery to explore. I’d recommend taking a day trip to the Boyce Thompson Arboretum, Sedona, and the Sonoran Desert Museum. For closer hikes with scenic views, I like Lost Dutchman’s State Park, South Mountain and the McDowell Mountains.
Dye for it Goods has some amazing custom apparel, how did you start?
My best friend Amanda and I started @DyeForItGoods during the pandemic to stay creative and connected. We began hand-making shirts as a creative way to raise money for local community organizations around Phoenix. We received a ton of positive feedback and decided to take it a step further, and DyeForItGoods became a reality! We create up-cycled, hand-made, custom apparel and show at different pop-up events around the Valley.

Can you tell us more about your art and what you create?
My style of creativity is multifaceted. I love experimenting with all different types of mediums and use art to explore elements of the natural world. It can be crafting jewelry from bones I found in the desert, to unique paintings created in various ways. My art ranges from realistic and colorful to eclectic abstracts filled with my interpretation of a variety of subjects.
Where can our readers find out more and support you?
You can find all my artwork on my website: and follow me on Instagram: @itsalliegee
DyeForItGoods can be found here: Instagram: @DyeForItGoods Etsy:
Art, beauty, and the colors of life are what make life so worth living, which I think we often lose sight of what brings passion to our soul. The many works of art and unique perspective when viewing Allie’s work left me truly in awe of her talent. The handcrafted jewelry unique to our desert stirs something in me. I see the colors of the horizons in Allie’s paintings or the spectrums of colors found in the deserts of the Southwest in clothing from @dyeforitgoods. Allie is able to capture something we all know, and love about life which permeates deep within. I would encourage anyone reading to explore the many beautiful works, crafts, and apparel customs made by Allie; or her and Amanda with Dye For It Goods, so you can represent a piece of our community in your home or on your person. Find people who make art that speaks to you, and keep making the art you want to see!

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Adrian Ryan was born in New Mexico and attended school since elementary in Arizona, his time growing up split between the two states. He hopes to work towards recreational cannabis, enjoys reading, writing, film, music, and also writing music.