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Agent J by @Azawkwardnhigh and @bz_selects

Cannabis Cactus

Agent J | Homegrown 1/8th Cultivated by: @Azawkwardnhigh | Bred by: @bz_selects

Grown by local friend @azakwardnhigh, this was one of my favorite samples from a home grow for the year. The Agent J is bred by @bz_selects and was done justice with effects I haven’t experienced in a long time. The relief is direct release of tension and relaxation in the neck, shoulders and base of the skull. I already have problems with this area but when a tension headache occurs, it becomes an invaluable medicine. They smell like cheesy flowers, with a sweetness to the smoke. I am a fan of this cultivar. By Adrian Ryan@drogado_del_gato.



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