22 Red | Cuban Gaslight
22 Red | Cuban Gaslight
The Cuban Gaslight strain by 22 Red is a well-balanced hybrid that’s now available at a great price. This 14g flower option, with 24.81% THC, is marked down to $100 from its usual $120, making it a solid choice for anyone looking for a high-quality hybrid on a budget. Expect a calm and relaxing high with uplifting effects that promote a sense of happiness and ease. Known for its “calm, happy, relaxed” profile, Cuban Gaslight is ideal for unwinding after a long day or adding a mellow vibe to social gatherings. Its balanced effects make it versatile, suited to both day and night use without tipping too far into sedation or stimulation. 22 Red delivers quality with Cuban Gaslight, combining potent THC levels and an enjoyable terpene profile for a satisfying and calming experience.