Cannabis Cactus
Jan 31, 20194 min read
Dear Mama: Women Like Pot too!
Dear Mama, Is it just me or does the cannabis industry seem to be male centric? Why do the shops seem to advertise to men mostly too? I...
Cannabis Cactus
Jan 31, 20193 min read
Dear Mama: Stealth Stoners
Dear Mama, How do the real stoners of the world keep it secret? I got no game. Hazey and Dorky Glendale Hi Hazey, ‘Stealth Stoners’ is a...
Cannabis Cactus
Dec 31, 20183 min read
Dear Mama: Stoners aren’t Lazy
Dear Mama, I love my weed. I like to eat it, smoke it, vape it, bathe in it and rub it on my sore joints. My friends aren’t on board and...
Heidi Keyes
Apr 30, 20183 min read
Puff, Pass & Ponder: 420 Stoner Types
As the week surrounding April 20th comes to a close, my company, Cannabis Tours/Puff, Pass & Paint, has hosted over 6,000 guests around...